Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Dk 2010 Siklon Bikeweight

Clues - T.2: In the shadow of the enemy

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Comics of Mara, published by Editions Akiléos (March 2010) ***

Despite the formal ban she received to pursue its investigation into the Red Arrows, Emily seems determined to dismantle this gang that turns out to be as dangerous and unpredictable. How can I learn more about this small group, responsible for the death of his mother, who appears have infiltrated the highest levels of Scotalnd Yard, but also those of London society?
The task proves perilous ... But can she rely on the support of Hawkins, whose motives in this case become more and more obscure?


Clues (Emily Arderen)

This Volume 2, we can say that I waited impatiently undisguised. So feverish that I discovered and devoured four times on one night ... I've been to my sixth reading is that the excellence of this book in the series Clues ...

If the first volume had charmed by the way the characters were brushed and plot development, this new album is a continuity quite different in form. It is definitely darker, both in looks (lots of night scenes, a very haunting atmosphere that would not have denied Dickens or Conan Doyle), and substance of the scenario. The apparent indifference

Emily has indeed disappeared, to make way for a new seriousness.
The character has considerably enriched, expanded, to the delight of the reader, in the heart affected by its internal distress. I say "inner" because it is not a weak and timid girl, she was already suspected beautifully resolved in Volume 1 and Volume 2 does confirm that the depth and strength of character.

Henry Feldman, the lawyer with a big heart, becomes a very important element of this story, a character very well brushed, and eminently likeable.

Pleasant is not the adjective that could be adopted for the Inspector Hawkins, sleuth, deeply tortured by a past which we know virtually nothing ... Even if the character had been presented in a way beautiful from the first pages of the series, he takes on a darker dimension, even more singular, more interesting and more devilishly charismatic yet (if possible !)... The blackness of character, coupled with bursts of humanity rather disturbing, leaves the reader full of questions until the last page ... A character that comes to mind long after having closed the book ...

The relationship of the two main characters, already highly exhilarating for their fierce opposition, here takes a turn far more singular. Although some scenes keep a light tone, the background is invariably severe, and the complexity of their respective feelings become a puzzle full of history ...

Clues (Nathanael Hawkins)

Even if I had shown at the output of Volume 1 My enthusiasm about this series, I admit I still preferred by far "In the shadow of the enemy," the tone dramatic but still deliciously Victorian.
Read, and reread again!

site where you can track the work of Mara / mara

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

H Pylori Causes Shortness Of Breath


Milhaileanu film by Radu (2009).

With Melanie Laurent (Anne-Marie Jacquet), Alexei Guskov (Andrei Filipov), Dmitri Nazarov (Sacha Grossman), Valeri Barinov (Ivan Gavrilov), François Berléand (Olivier Morne Duplessis), Miou-Miou (Guylène La Rivière), Roger Dumas (Momo), .. .

Le Concert (2009)

Andrei Filipov was one of the greatest conductors of Russia. After refusing to dismiss his Jewish musicians, as required by the party, he was banned from music.
become a "man of the household" at the Bolshoi Theatre in Moscow, he intercepted a fax one day from the Theatre du Chatelet in Paris. In a moment of madness seizes Andrei fax and goes in search of his former musicians, and prepares to impersonate the Bolshoi, so that neither one nor the other has not played since 30 years ...

Andreï Filipov (Alexeï Guskov)

Concert is certainly one of the best films I've seen in recent months, even in recent years. What makes it so touching and deeply human, this is probably its simplicity, sobriety, her modesty, or his lack of pretension. It is also characteristic of most characters, by turns funny and tragic, that you live, you mark long after viewing. Being very sensitive
for my part in the Russian soul and history, most awkward situations - as a manifestation of the Communist Party where there is more than paid extras ... hilarious! .. - Are proving a mixed blessing. If you smile in a situation burlesque, you can be sure that it will inevitably be tinged with sorrow and regret. The greatest strength of Concert is precisely this perpetual opposition of humor and tragedy, an element unique to the Slavic soul ...

Dmitri Nazarov (Sacha) et Alexeï Guskov (Andreï)

The actors are absolutely beautiful, dignified, and touching, especially Dmitri Nazarov, in the role of a talented cellist converted into an ambulance ...
Now to Alexei Guskov, who shines melancholy and sublime in the role of conductor overwhelmed by sadness, deeply hurt, devastated, frustrated by his inability to perform an ultimate goal. The Tchaikovsky Violin Concerto, a character full of history, the final fulfillment of all fates, rocking the entire movie of its elegance and its restraint.

Melanie Laurent, embodying the soloist halo of glory, beneath a disdainful and arrogant, rises also be seeking an absolute: that of the simple look of a family she had not known.
A subtle performance, full of exquisite variations, which adds to the film a rare delicacy.

Mélanie Laurent (Anne-Marie Jacquet)