Congenital absence of one or more fingers or toes. Here I do not mean the absence a single finger or toe (although there are children who are missing a finger or toe) but rather a deformity of the hand due to the absence of fingers or toes .
Its a rare genetic disorder that is marked by an absence of one or more toes and / or fingers, for forming a hand grip, said claw or lobster claw. It sometimes called 'syndrome of claw or lobster. "
It is sometimes associated with syndactyly, that is to say, a lean fingers between them. There are several forms of the disease, in association with other disorders, particularly in the syndrome of Eckoldt Martens Cruveilhier associated with a cloven foot.
often seen in combination with the ectrodactyly cleft lip and ectodermal aplasia.
Surgical reduction and instrumentation of this anomaly is possible.
The surgery can be done on hands and feet to improve the function of these members, in order to improve the appearance of these members and to facilitate adjustment of the shoe.
On the shared-list we find the children in the following descriptions:
Congenital malformed hands and feet
xx absence of finger, hand deformity deform or deformity of hands and feet
Hand with digitus minus
Photos: -1615.html
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