Sarah Englewood, young English woman newly arrived in Paris, is hired as governess for Simon Bloomberg, a strange psychiatrist residing in the Rue Mazarine. Making use of revolutionary methods, the physician is widely disputed by his colleagues, who consider his theories senseless and dangerous.
The house in the Rue Mazarine, in which Sarah now lives, to the maze fanciful architecture, has on the young woman who is both a fascination and extreme disorder. It also seems that Bloomberg's wife has been missing for weeks without a trace.
This event says it itself the strange behavior of alienation?
Purchased at random from the fine collection of the Great Detective 10-18, the mortuary turns out to be a thriller with an excellent bill. This first novel in the series of alienation (no relation to that of Caleb Carr), is a marvel of suspense, intrigue intelligent and original, which keeps the reader spellbound from first to the last line.
The characters are extremely well constructed, the police inspector disillusioned young English governess to the character pretty well soaked, through the strange jeopardizes the psychiatrist.
charismatic character, disturbing, haunted by demons that the reader fears will arise at any time, it deumeure alone and beyond the plot, one of the great enigmas this first volume. Doctor controversial, as was Freud's character which no doubt inspired in large part, Bloomberg alternates moments of kindness, abatement or numbness that leaves the reader full of questions and anxiety.
The atmosphere of this novel is distinguished not only by the influence of this labyrinthine house on its inhabitants, but also by the inhabitants themselves, who gradually begin to wonder if they will not have a similar fate patients to Bloomberg, which oscillate dangerously between psychoticism and schizophrenia.
The mere presence of the character of Sarah Englewood happily gives a touch a little appeased and reasoned in this world so unstable ...
A disturbing novel and devilishly effective, which continues with Volume "The Hand of Glory" already published by 10-18.
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