Thursday, October 29, 2009

Pilladas En La Clle Gratis

A new version of My Fair Lady in 2010!

It is now confirmed, after many rumors started on the net: Joe Wright will head the new adaptation of My Fair Lady, based on the play by George Bernard Shaw!

Personally, I can not but rejoice at such news, as a reminder, Joe Wright is the director of the magnificent Pride & Prejudice in 2005, and that of Atonment 2008, based on the novel by Ian McEwan.

The cast, Keira Knightley, fetish actress has been confirmed to reprise the role of Eliza Doolittle, played in 1964 by the beautiful Audrey Hepburn .

Keira Knightley dans Pride & Prejudice (2005)

Audrey Hepburn dans le film de 1964

For the role of the "terrifying" linguist Henry Higgins, formerly played by Rex Harrison , no actor has so far been confirmed. Two names appear to stand out: those of Hugh Laurie and Daniel Craig.

Hugh Laurie (photo promo de House M.D.)

Daniel Craig dans The Golden Compass

Rex Harrison

It is worth mentioning that this adaptation is indeed the musical and not part of Shaw's original, which is unfortunate because the lumber totally self-sufficient to itself ...

Wait & see ... !

EDIT 12/11/2009: Joe Wright has recently denied his participation in the implementation of the new adaptation of My Fair Lady ...

Stay tuned!


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