Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Get Rid Of Skin Indentations From Clothes


Beaches of Guyana are among the most important nesting sites of sea turtles in the world.
endangered leatherback turtle is the subject of curriculum and preservation from the many years in Guyana, especially in the western department, which can accommodate up to 20 000 eggs of leatherback turtles per year, mostly on the Natural Reserve of Amana. But now, we must also rely on the beaches of the island of Cayenne since last 10 years have seen a resurgence of nesting on the eastern department.

In 2008, nearly 6,500 bridges that were identified by the association Kwata on these beaches.
The marine turtles is an unforgettable spectacle offered by nature. These species are endangered and fully protected it is important that the observations are made in respect of the animal.

Hattes The beach and beach Montjoly
Beach Hattes Montjoly and that are undoubtedly the preferred place to watch leatherback turtles. From April to July, we witness the laying of these marine giants that can reach 1.80 m in length and weigh up to 700kg.
From August to October, the show is moving to the birth of thousands of turtles laying eggs on who will return one of these beaches one day.
The Guianan mangroves

Views of the sea, the coasts of Guyana seem like a long strip of mangrove uniform, rarely interrupted by rocky hills covered with forest vegetation from east to west.

True and False Silver Mountain Peak Montravel Bourda Montabo bare rock piles, rock art in Kourou, flats east of Malmanoury Sinnamary or rare sandbars forming a few small beaches.
The beaches of the island of Cayenne, Kourou beach, the cove Malmanoury, small beaches between the tip and Organabo Isere.
Photos pages Guyana



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