Tuesday, February 15, 2011

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After the "fake" milk, here is the "fake" rice

Source: http://www.chine-informations.com/actualite/du-faux-riz-a-base-de-plastique-circule-en-chine_27271.html

According to many reports cited Media in Singapore, Chinese companies mass-produce the fake rice made of plastic, reports the Very Vietnam.

The "rice" in question is composed of a mixture of potatoes, sweet potatoes and plastic. The potatoes are first molded into grains of rice to which are added to synthetic resins industry. Rice remains hard even after cooking.

Eat three bowls of rice that false is equivalent to eating a plastic bag.

It would be sold in the Chinese city of Taiyuan, Shaanxi Province. An investigation is currently underway in the factory suspected of producing the goods.

This is not the first case of its kind involving rice in China. Not long ago, a company in Xi'an had added artificial flavorings on ordinary rice to make rice to go "Wuchang, which is considered the best rice in the country.


The scandal is not surprising considering the long history of problems related to food, including the 2008 Milk tainted with melamine in which nearly 300 000 people were injured and at least 6 children have died after being poisoned by the toxin ( http://www. naturalnews.com/024837_f ...).

Other food tainted in China included the pet food with melamine cups for children with lead, and even some "fake" rice in China in which companies had added synthetic flavors to ordinary rice to make them believe that it ' was a type of rice "Wuchang" for expensive.

To learn more: http://www.naturalnews.com/031344_plastic_rice.html # ixzz1E2mjZKSB


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