disorders of the tricuspid valve
Today, casting a glance at the children whose files are shared on-list for quite some time, I came across a folder boy quite cute. His record is on the shared-list since July 2009 when he was not yet 2 years!
This little guy is listed as having an atrial septal minor "minor incompetence of TV." I wondered what the acronym meant TV. This acronym stands for the tricuspid valve. I decided to see what it was exactly this child have been waiting so long on the shared-list is still on.
To make it clearer, I borrowed this image on wikipedia. Triscupide The valve is number 12.
disorders of the tricuspid valve is rare. It is a condition in which the two chambers of the heart (left ventricle and right ear) does not work correctly. Disorders tricuspid valve is often associated with other problems other heart valve.
There are several problems related to the valve:
• Regurgitation of the tricuspid valve. In this condition, the valve does not close completely and the blood returns to the heart in the upper chamber right (right atrium).
Signs and symptoms:
swelling of the abdomen, feet and ankles;
venous pulsation visible in the neck;
fatigue decreased
the amount of urine;
generalized edema;
yellowing of the skin (jaundice) and an accumulation of fluid in the stomach that may be related to liver dysfunction (ascites). •
tricuspid valve stenosis. In this condition, the valve is reduced, reducing the blood stream that can pass from the left atrium to left ventricle.
Signs and symptoms: fatigue
pain that is linked to liver enlargement
No treatment is necessary if the person has only mild symptoms or no at all. Hospitalization may be necessary to diagnose and treat severe symptoms.
We then identify the problems in adjacent and treated. It may be that surgery is necessary to repair or replace the tricuspid valve. It is possible that stenosis be corrected by treating related disorders, including pulmonary hypertension and right ventricular dilation. The repair or valve replacement is usually effective treatment.
complications that can occur if the tricuspid valve is not treated can worsen heart failure or cause endocarditis (heart valve infection), cirrhosis, weight loss or loss of appetite. •
Atresia of the tricuspid valve. is a condition present at birth (disease Congenital heart) this provides a rare heart defect lack of an opening between the right atrium and right ventricle. The portion of blood is secured by a atrial septal defect (ASD).
With this serious disease, but rare, the tricuspid valve has not developed, then the blood can flow from the right atrium to left ventricle. The right ventricle does not form completely, and it is too small. Because of the anomaly, the blood passes through a hole in the atrial septum from the right atrium to the left, and mixes with blood returning from the lungs.
Symptoms: The
Children with tricuspid atresia generally are cyanotic (bluish discoloration of the skin) at birth or shortly thereafter, and they have congestive heart failure.
The diagnosis will be done using a chest radiograph, an electrocardiogram or an echocardiogram.
Surgery is usually necessary in early life. There is a bypass between the aorta and pulmonary artery to provide blood flow to the lungs. A few months later, Glenn is an operation performed to connect the superior vena cava to the arteries lung to provide better circulation of blood to the lungs, and it removes the bypass. When the child is two or three years, makes a Fontan operation.
Surgical treatment depends on the degree of the malformation:
• if the tricuspid valve presents with fused commissures, the treatment is an enlargement plasty of the valve.
• if, cons, the tricuspid valve does not exist and the right ventricle is hypoplastic (lack of development), surgical correction includes the diversion of venous blood directly into the pulmonary artery through the anastomosis the upper and lower vena cava (using a conduit) to the right pulmonary artery.
What long-term outlook for children with tricuspid atresia?
For children with this disorder, the results are quite good throughout the repair steps. In some cases, arrhythmias may develop later in life, as well as lung disorders. •
abnormal Ebstein. is a condition in which the malformation of the valve where the valve is malformed lower than its normal position in the right ventricle taking leakage of blood. It is stretched and is contiguous to the walls of the right ventricle with regard to two-thirds of the upper part. The tricuspid orifice is moved toward the tip of the ventricle has a malformation resulting in the formation of a dam. It sometimes takes rhythm disturbances and cyanosis (blue skin).
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