Thursday, February 17, 2011

How Does The Macy's Pre-paid Card Work


Rickets is a disease of the growth and ossification observed in infants and young children.

It is characterized by inadequate calcification of bone and cartilage and is due to a lack of vitamin D (this is called a VAD D).

Clinical signs appear between 3 months and 2 years. The beads

wrists and ankles, visible and palpable, reflect the widening of distal radius and tibia.

The bend concave in the lower limbs, genu valgum or varum (bowlegged) a coxa vara (displacement of the femoral head), flat feet, kyphosis (deformity of the spine) are exaggerated deformations Orthopedic evocative.

A "rachitic rosary" is visible and palpable (volume of some cartilage). This term reflects imaged nodules (Bulge or swelling) bilateral rib. The

craniotabes (slightly deformed skull) is an area of softening of the skull, giving the impression to the touch of a celluloid ball (ping pong).

There is also a delayed closure of fontanelles, delayed dentition, muscle hypotonia (poor muscle tone) with abdominal distension (bloating due to excessive bowel gas), umbilical hernia, hepatic ptosis (abnormally low position liver), hypermobility (too cowardly ligament), delay in holding the head in the sitting position and walking.

Although rickets is often seen as inadequate nutrition, there are also types of rickets have genetic origins, such as rickets vitamin D-resistant hypophosphatemic rickets and pseudo-deficiency. A particular form of rickets, vitaminorésistante said, comes not from a lack of vitamin D but a renal abnormality that prevents the transformation of the kidney 1-25 (OH) 2 cholecalciferol, the active form of vitamin D.

Children with rickets are treated only by very high doses of vitamin D and phosphorus. Some forms involve muscle pain and fractures. In the juvenile forms a supplement of vitamin D is sufficient to treat the disorder. By cons, if a bad bone formation has already occurred, rickets leave scars.

Complications are especially Orthopaedic bone deformities, multiple fractures, etc. postrachitiques dystocia.

pulmonary infections are frequent, severe, recurrent respiratory muscles due to hypotonic and soft and fractured rib cage.

Children with rickets are on the list with shared-information "rickets."


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