Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Swollen Nipples On A Dog

Maria Aragon

few days ago I've put the video of a young 10 year old girl singing a song by Lady Gaga: http://qc-adoption-chine.blogspot.com/2011/02/i -was-born-this-way.html

I know that the article has nothing to do with adoption, but I found it interesting anyway and I thought that the young Canadian born Filipino parents was worth the trouble that highlights the event.

Here is the article that cyberpresse published about her today:

The Canadian girl of 10 years Maria Aragon was invited Tuesday to the popular American TV show The Ellen DeGeneres Show.

life the girl is transformed Winnipeg since she was noticed by Lady Gaga.
The pop star recently donned the video on YouTube of the Canadian singing success Born This Way.

The popularity of video has exploded after Lady Gaga had shared the link with its 8.25 million subscribers on Twitter. The video was viewed Tuesday nearly 11 million times.

Maria Aragon also received a Lady Gaga invitation to go on stage with her at the Air Canada Centre in Toronto, March 3.

The Canadian girl was interviewed and made a delivery on Tuesday on The Ellen DeGeneres Show. She said she chose the song Born This Way because of the message to be faithful to its values.
Asked if she was nervous about singing with Lady Gaga, Maria Aragon said it would be difficult not to be.

She said she was excited by the interest shown by Lady Gaga.

"It's not every day you can talk to a superstar, we can have the congratulations a celebrity on a cover of one of his songs, "expressed Maria Aragon Ellen DeGeneres.

source: http://www.cyberpresse.ca/arts/musique/201102/22/01-4372884-maria-aragon-invitee-a-lemission-dellen-degeneres.php?utm_categorieinterne=trafficdrivers&utm_contenuinterne = cyberpresse_B9_arts_244_accueil_POS1

See also the video when she learns the news of the mouth of Lady Gaga:


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